
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bone Scan and Blank Days

Last Friday was the bone scan. We went in at 9:00 for the contrast injection via IV for Aiden, then returned at noon for the scan. Originally he was going to be put out for the scan but in talking to the Nuclear Med guy the day before, he told me we could try it without and if we just couldn't get a good picture we could come back and try again with anesthesia. So, of course, I opted for just holding him down.

It was so sad, he just cried and cried on the table. Nemo was playing on a movie screen above his head but he isn't at the age to be pacified by TV. So he cried.

They scanned the legs first, then the chest and arms, then the head. He finally fell asleep when we were at the head, which worked well. After the tech looked at the images he noticed something in the right leg, which is "the" leg. He tried calling the Radiologist but he was at lunch. So the tech told us we needed to scan again. This time it was much easier and the results were clearer because Aiden was completely still. And there it was again. I think they call it a "hot spot" on the bone scan. There was Aiden's perfect little skeleton self on the screen above us, with a nasty, ugly spot on his leg. The tech got ahold of the Radiologist and explained what he saw before sending him the images. He asked us if it was a cancerous tumor removed, and we said yes. He was talking low, I couldn't hear all of what he said, but it sounds like we will be going for an x-ray of the leg. Of course, the Oncologists office closes at 2:30 on Friday, so we have no "official" results yet. I think I may be sick, thinking of what it could be.

At home I sat and looked at the new calendar we have posted on our wall and all the appointments set for Aiden this week, the only thing we have going on in our lives right now. As of this moment, most of the days are full for this upcoming week, with different appointments each day. The next few days will be crazy, but as of now, nothing else is scheduled past Thursday. I love blank days. I love looking at them and seeing nothing to do. It is beautiful. I am excited to just see blank days. I really hope we can keep from filling them.


  1. I love Aiden smile; Heavenly Father is pulling for him, we all are, the Savior is with him, I love you Neely

  2. We are praying for little Aiden and for your family. We love you guys and wish there was more we could do!!! Prayers do bring miracles!
